Sacred Wild Weekends

The word retreat brings rest to many ears. To others, it may sound like giving up, or leaving the scene of a battle. In essence, this is precisely what it is. Giving up a fight in some arena of life to rest and regroup. Seasonally, the trees and plants and flowers all do it. Their leaves give up and move toward earth. They wait, accept the death of intensions and ideas, appreciate decay, and then, become active again, with fresh vitality and growth. Animals do it too. Bears and squirrels and bats, gila monsters and turtles and bees. The other day, I was digging in a forest, and I found a whole slew of cicadas deep in the ground. As I picked them up, I noticed they seemed barely alive, pale and lethargic. They retreat for decades before coming out to work, and boy when they do!

Retreat is one of my favorite things to participate in and guide. Doing nothing for a moment is a really good thing to do. And there are several ways we can do that…

  • Personal or group half-day retreats in a beautiful local setting

  • Personal or group whole day retreats in a beautiful local setting

  • Nature immersion retreats

  • Personal or group silent retreats

  • Reclaiming the Shadow Retreat