Mud & Drums


Mud and Drums is about elevating the body and mind and coming to a place of harmony and being.

It is not about figuring out the path to our healing and being. It is simply experiencing it.

In mud and drums, we practice presence and life together. it is is a safe place of healing and welcoming. Laughter, tears, numbness, awakening, anger and love is all part of life’s journey. Therefore, they’re all a part of mud and drums as well.

There is no judgment in this place. Only welcoming, acceptance, healing, integration, free expression and you being you.

The kinds of things we practice and experience in mud and drums are:

  • Deep meditation and prayerful ceremonies

  • Putting mud on our bodies and connecting with the earth

  • Drum and dance circles

  • Storytelling

  • Writing and reading our thoughts and feelings around a fire

  • Burning unwanted influences

  • Creating sculptures out of mud and smashing them

  • Swimming in water under the moon

  • playing music together

  • Imitating the movements of different animals

  • Non dual Breathing

  • Bellies full of laughter

  • Listening to and speaking life into one another

  • Listening to the spirits and rhythms of the elements